Rockydennis Presents

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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

This week we aren’t looking at anything particularly special. We did consider some choices to share, but ultimately at the end of the day some of our new positions are going to be closer to gambling than investing.

Example, we’re thinking that buying FOA call options is a great idea, and that the price is going to come back fairly quickly in the short-term. But to make an actual recommendation that you do the same would be unethical.

  1. FLMN - Cheap stock, company deals in mining minerals or something like that. Ex-div on Tuesday, and trades options monthly. We’re going to buy the 100 shares, capture the dividend, and see how covered calls go for us. (I predict mediocre to average).

  2. CGAU - Another “cheap” stock, this company deals in exploration and mining of gold and other goodies. We’re after this primarily because we love gold stocks and diversification. For the less eccentric of us, this stock hits ex-div on Tuesday. Options trade monthly in $2.50 increments, which is…it is what it is. Share price at close last week was 6.92 (according to Robinhood, which is often slightly inaccurate re: end of day prices).

  3. MAIN - Ex-div on Friday, pays monthly dividends. $42 a share, obvious buy. At that price, the monthly options would be kind of good…if the strikes weren’t incremented by $5. This company basically lends money to other companies. Plus, the name. And 42. Annual yield is 5.85%.

  4. PSEC - Ex-div Thursday, pays monthly dividends, with an 8.9% annualized rate of return. Share price is currently $8 a share.

  5. ATOS - Start a wheel or keep one going. Something like $3.12 a share right now Premiums aren’t massive, obviously, but the options are trading weekly and the movements are fairly predictable. If you were looking for another buy and hold, then ORC would be a good way to go,.