Rockydennis Presents

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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

It’s already August. Summer is pretty much over. Pack it up, time to go home.

  1. BALL - $58.75, ex-div 8/31, a whopping 1.36% annualized yield, and options trade monthly. While most widely known for their glass mason jars, Ball is actually a leading producer of aluminum beverage cans in the EU.

    Also, aerospace defense.

    What? Why wouldn’t a beverage canning company be making space lasers? Are you retarded or something?

  2. NEGG - $1.36/share, weekly options. Penny stocks are always tumultuous ground, and NewEgg is no exception.

    Fortunately for NewEgg, they’ve got generational brand recognition and have intertwined themselves with the ‘Big Three’ of institutions - government, medicine, and education. Hey, it worked for Gameboy,.
    (Fun fact, Gameboy hardware was once widely used in medical devices found in hospitals around the world.)

  3. NTDOY - $11.30/share, semi-annual dividends yielding 9.29%. These are Nintendo ADRs, available as grey market listings. Neato!

  4. NTDOF - $45.29. No dividends, no options. Listed as pink sheets, these are plain-Jane shares of Nintendo. Not even any ADR fees!

    Based on the last three years, the price seems to moving up from a bottom. Based on the last 20 years, however, we are far from an all-time low.

    Nintendo is an ubiquitous brand, capable of adapting and pivoting while maintaining brand integrity. You could definitely do worse for a long-term ‘buy and hold’. Or just target an exit price of $60.

  5. COIN - $94.76, weekly options. This symbol represents Coinbase, a US-based crypto brokerage. As far as a custodial holder of your cryptocurrency goes, Coinbase is pretty legit.

    Whereas Binance has been nothing but trouble, time and time again (both in China and the US), Coinbase has merely chugged along. Also, they’re in bed with Visa. You know, the global credit giant.

    The majority of Coinbase holdings are kept off-line in cold storage. The only safer place than Coinbase for your crypto is on your own cold wallet. Of course, if your USB stick gets destroyed, you’re basically SOL. If Coinbase loses an off-line server in a terrorist attack, your deposits are guaranteed to a certain amount. So there’s that.