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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

We’re in the middle of tax season, and…

No wait, nevermind. We’re not even starting our return until July, when we can retrieve all of our W-2 information from the IRS. Yes folks, if for one reason or another you can’t get a W-2 from an employer, just file an extension and the IRS will make it available in July.

But this isn’t Rocky’s Weekly Tax Tips (although….), so let’s get right to it!

  1. PSIL - $2.01/share, ex-div is sometime in September, with $0.05/share coming back. We didn’t start out looking for penny stocks, in fact, we had already bought a handful of these shares prior to finding our image for the week.

    Why PSIL? It’s a psychedelics ETF. While there are a couple of really good buys in that basket (that are far outperforming the others), we’re going to stick with the ETF for now. We wouldn’t fault you for buying some CYNA, but we like that a fund manager will rebalance the portfolio from time to time.

    While likely more price-safe than cannabis stocks, we’re erring on the side of caution. If we need to get deeper into psilocybin investing, we’ll just buy some mason jars, brown rice, and vermiculite. Wink.

  2. HAS - $55.62/share, ex 4/28, $2.80 annually paid quarterly, monthly options. As the price continues to sit at about half of our original buy-in price, we continue averaging down.

    This is easily one of our favorite ‘forever’ buy and holds, as we don’t expect to see Hasbro come back in any big way for another couple of generations. By the same token, we don’t anticipate they’re going anywhere in the meantime.

  3. SI - $5.77/share, no dividends, weekly options. SilverGate Bank is, or was, America’s largest crypto intermediary. Last week, however, Coinbase and Gemini pulled out. Oh boy. Not a good look. This may or may not have anything to do with FTX directly, but there’s nothing to suggest that. At least not from a surface-level view.

    Honestly, that’s how crypto goes. Not our fault people put faith into overseas custodial wallets. We suspect that SilverGate, like any bank, will somehow manage to keep it together. The biggest risk we see is that they’re based in California. GROSS!

    We’ve been writing deep OTM puts, just because of the large value from volatility. (Share price was over $20 a month ago). If we get assigned at $2.50, then whatever. We’re seeing $3 price targets, which is in line with our own predictions.

  4. JNJ - $154.02/share, 2.93% annualized return paid quarterly, weekly options. Just because they got their hands dirty with some dirty bio-tech, and they continue to sell us personal products laden with nano-particles while hiding behind weak GAAS regulations, doesn’t mean that Johnson & Johnson doesn’t love you.

    Alright, fine, we just see a rare opportunity to snag up this blue chip at a discount. We live in a complicated world, and while we’d all love for all solutions to all problems be wrapped up in a perfect, eco-friendly, job-producing bow - the fact of the matter is, none of us are going to stop showering or brushing our teeth.

    I hope.

  5. RUM-$8.48/share, no dividends, weekly options. Just as we predicted, Rumble is holding stable as they fight an uphill battle towards gaining market share. Maintaining sustainability and profitability is key, and their share price reflects that success.

    Despite many prominent YouTube personalities giving lip service to Rumble, while simultaneously complaining that they don’t make enough money, the fact is Rumble’s platform is paying out steadily, reliably, and without taking a massive cut.

    It’s also pretty telling about a lot of these people who “made a career” out of their hobby during the global lockdown period. While it’s true that YouTube has been fisting them in the rear, there’s a large disconnect between what their expectations seem to be and how advertising dollars and mnetrics actually work.

    Slow and steady wins the race - and a steady share price keeps investors in.