Peter Schiff


Peter Schiff is an absolute legend.

Peter Schiff - The Fed Unspun: The Other Side of the Story , from 2012

^ That’s the YouTube video I was watching when I realized this guy is a goddamn legend.

Unfortunately, when I started with the most important part of any post, using the first picture Yahoo! images has to offer, what I got was this…


I’m here listening to an absolute legend talk about the Fed and the gold standard, the failure of fiat…also, a lot of Ben Bernanke bashing. Remember when that was a popular thing to do? I remember when even NPR was ripping hard on Bernanke. And I mean, everything they say is true, so it’s not …

“But Rocky!”, you shout angrily, “This isn’t about Ben buttf***ing Bernanke!”.

Well goddamn…alright. So I did a vague search for Peter Schiff Bitcoin, and read a few headline descriptions. Now that I’m an expert on the subject, it appears that Peter Schiff has some hang-up about Bitcoin, which is whatever. A lot of boomer finance guys are like that. Some of them are the same way about silver and even gold, so it’s whatever.

A lot of what Schiff talks about in Fed Unspun revolves around central banks and government being irresponsible with fiat currencies. Gold is discussed heavily, as well. I later will find out that Peter Schiff is very pro-gold as a reserve of wealth.

He’s right, though. Gold represents actual value. Paper, or more commonly digital (not crypto) fiat is just debt. Debt which can be continually generated through fractional reserve banking.

It’s great just listening to someone speak the truth with passion, without being Alex Jones. I’m not bashing Mr. Jones. Imagine if he weren’t a conspiracy nut, but an investment banker. The next time he ranted about the Fed being in control of the dollar and thus the world, you’d take him a hell of a lot more seriously.

That’s not quite the slant Mr. Schiff takes, and I’m not very clear on his actual background. I know I’m loving the Q&A at the end of the video, though. And the non-stop ripping on Bernanke, lol. 2012 was a silly time.

Speaking of time, It’s time for Rockydennis Presents to Present a bed. Largely due to Covid-19. Or rather, the lack of the coronavirus. Since we weren’t blessed with more shutdowns (I don’t even care about the free money. I’d prefer to be shut down without the intentional hyperinflation), Rockydennis now Presents….


If you’re like me, you want to qualify for a home loan. If you’re also like me, you erased all of your entire progress in life with excessive consumption and had to start over last year. A salary helps a lot more with that goal than does transferring money from Robinhood to your bank account and calling it a paycheck.


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