Parliamentary Rape

I’m no expert, but I’m willing to bet this woman isn’t getting raped.  If anything, she’s raping you!

I’m no expert, but I’m willing to bet this woman isn’t getting raped. If anything, she’s raping you!

Christian Porter, an Australia’s Attorney General, recently admitted to having “raped” a 16 year old girl, 33 years ago. Now, the dude doesn’t look old, so I’m guessing he was in his early 20’s at the time. I’m also going to wonder what Australia’s statutory laws are, but I’m not going to fact check this. Whether or not the actual act was forced sexual penetration without consent is irrelevant, as the victim committed suicide in 2020 (allegedly after being “denied justice”).

The issue here isn’t Mr. Porter and his admission of wrongdoing isn’t what we’re considering. Nor are we going to bother discussing the double-edged sword of policing sex. The issue here is, just like every other time the media mentions sex crimes, there’s magically more “victims” that spontaneously “come forward”.

Apparently the experience wasn’t traumatizing or disturbing at any point in time until the TV mentioned someone else’s experience. I’d be willing to bet that the actual experience was more “disappointing” than “traumatic”.

Brittany Higgins has claimed to have been raped by an unnamed Parliament coworker. (There’s probably a name somewhere else, or maybe it’s pending an investigation. I don’t know, and don’t care). She appears to be young and fairly attractive, and probably has gotten the old Joe Biden a time or two, but what woman hasn’t? Not saying it’s right, but creepy flirtation and come-ons aren’t sexual assault.

Ms. Higgins, mind you, is an educated woman with a good career. She’s more than capable of handling herself. Had she been truly victimized, she would have reported the incident immediately when it happened, not wait until there was a chance to be in the spotlight. If we are to believe this nonsense, then truly the victims are all women in Australia. Maybe she isn’t herself involved in legislation, I don’t know, but by virtue of being employed in government she is indeed a representative of her demographic.

I understand first hand that when you are sexually victimized, you may feel it is your fault. You are afraid of no one believing you, or of being punished because your stepbrother told you that you’d get in big trouble if you told anyone about how he raped you. I get it.

I understand as well that a woman in the “hood”, (often referred to as a “bitch”) getting raped by an aggressive male (often referred to as a “nigga”) often goes unreported, as they’re taught that it’s simply a part of life they need to accept. That it’s just part of life. Niggas is crazy, ya’ll.

There’s also the grey area where the “victim” was totally fine with the act at the time, or even initiated the situation, then later decided it was wrong. I understand that firsthand as well. But if you’re being honest with yourself, you eventually realize you are just trying to play the card for personal gain. It’s only natural, humans are terrible people, even when they’ve been hurt.

We are not talking about a member of the lower class not having a voice. Again, Brittany Higgins is obviously full of crap. If she -truly- believes her allegations, she would have gone about the matter discretely and not draw negative attention to her beloved Parliament, am I right? Also, the older women around her seem to be calling BS. Women with more life experience, credentials, and credibility.

This is just like Governor Cuomo dealing with these accusations of being creepy. Which, yeah, okay, he probably did creep on a few women. It’s what men do, some more than others, usually unintentionally. Hit on woman, get rejected, move on, consider not sniffing them without permission next time.

In Cuomo’s case, everyone seems to have forgotten that the first woman that started the whole thing explicitly stated that she flirted back with him, knew what she was doing, and continued doing it. I’m not sure if that’s better or worse than pretending to have played no part in it. But this isn’t about Governor Cuomo.

I suppose the biggest problem here isn’t “He said, She said”, but that farcical stories like this make it exponentially more difficult to actually address real problems, particularly when it comes to inappropriate interactions between men and women. We could all just stop having sex at work, that might help. But that won’t happen. (Well, for me it will, but I’m ugly as sin and have smolpp).


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