Old World Buildings

Here is a whole bunch of pictures of old world buildings from around the world. It started off specifically with looking for masonry-style structures with copulas, like churches and town halls. We got images from all continents, including Antarctica, and were going to add some commentary, etc, etc…

Even this intro was going to be more fully constructed, but there’s only so much time in the day.

Also, there’s plenty of content on the internet comparing, contrasting, describing, discussing, and whatever else happens as we try to reconcile the worldwide style of architecture with a fragmented, ever-changing, and mostly just plain blank narrative regarding world history. This was going to be our cop-out for giving up on specifying the location of each building, and saying whatever else we felt like saying.

Frankly, I’m pretty sure that (like almost every mystery in life) the real explanation for these large gaps in our collective knowledge is a little bit of apathy, a little bit of conspiratorial control, and mostly just a whole lot of having no freaking clue but not wanting to admit ignorance. Slave or tyrant, we never escape being human.

Alright, so there’s all that. Now I’ll just copy and paste a whole bunch of pictures for your viewing pleasure….except for the dozen or so that can’t be shown on Squarespace. The same ones that Yahoo! blocks you from trying to save to your hard drive. Sure, you can copy into Paint and save as, and that works for some things, but platforms that are part of the Matrix (such as Squarespace) simply don’t allow it.

But you aren’t here because you’re sick of an ever-increasing level of online censorship. You’re here for pictures!

Wow, these are some great images! Especially the bavarian cuisine (because nothing says “Old World Architecture” like a boar’s head)!. It’s seriously disappointing that some of the best images are blocked, though. There’s probably a relatively easy way around it, that doesn’t rely on copy/paste into Paint 3D.

The silver lining here, is that when you go do your own searches for these full-sized images, you’ll be hit with some truly amazing structures without having been tainted by a thumbnail-sized preview.

For the curious among us that don’t like changing tabs, these images come from…if I can remember properly…

Poland, Russia, Latvia, Germany, Netherlands, Japan, Indonesia, California, Michigan, Montana, Texas, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Montreal, Quebec, China, Haiti, the Congo, Jamaica, Antarctica, New Zealand, and Australia.

I’m super bummed that only one image from Antarctica (top row, 2nd column) could be posted successfully. Alright, that’s enough for now. Thanks for stopping by!


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