Mass Stabbings in Canada
When looking for images to use, we really just wanted a picture of a Tim Horton’s combo with a combat knife. While we didn’t quite find what we were looking for (we’re not doing it ourselves), we did discover that there’s about as many stabbings in Canada as China. Matter of fact, it may even be higher per capita. I’m guessing, and don’t care to find out for real (because it doesn’t matter today).
If you don’t feel like following the link above to see what we talked about regarding mass stabbings in China, I don’t blame you. It’s probably exactly what it sounds like. There are a couple of images, though.
This time it’s pretty much the same situation, but more images and probably less text. We’ll see.
Mass Stabbings
In Canada
(We can tell you the kid in the picture doesn’t get stabbed, because that’s what the TV does and it’s what you’re trained to want. We won’t lie to you, though.)
Why wouldn’t the BBC cover Montreal? (A lot of British news is actually just American news).
Who is doing all these stabbings? Well it’s Canada, so we can rule out Manchester fans, white supremacists, and whatever group Australia blames all its problems on. I’ve actually got some leads to share with you, but first let’s talk about mass stabbings. As a segway. Into my pro-gun agenda.
* * * * *
Mass stabbings happen all (pause) the (pause) time. You only ever hear about mass shootings in America, because guns are way cooler and it’s usually a school. For some reason, American psychopaths target the young.
I suspect this has something to do with being stuck in some mental/emotional developmental stage(s) that can’t mature. Which nobody really gives a shit about. Once you start attacking people, there is zero sympathy for your issues.
There’s two very obvious take-a-ways here. The most important one is that we can all stop bitching about gun control, since we see that it obviously has zero impact on societal violence.
It’s tough to pretend you know how you’d act in a situation (for those of us who have never been robbed at gunpoint), and there’s plenty of stories of when the victim died trying to defend themselves (very rare, actually, but whatever). However, at the end of the day, you don’t want to be sitting in a corner at home crying into a bottle of vodka wishing you had bought that gun your wife has been telling you to get.
Maybe you still end up robbed, sitting at home, crying into vodka and borscht, (you get borscht in this scenario), wondering why you were such a coward. But hey, that’s not cowardice. Using a firearm without confidence at that moment is not just difficult and impractical, it’s absolutely stupid.
The other massive take-away is that trying to limit the ways people can kill each other isn’t an effective means to preventing violent acts. There’s solutions, and none of them are quick or easy. What’s easy is me saying it, and then moving on to pictures.
Better parents are required. It doesn’t require much. Keep the kid alive, don’t traumatize them into criminal acts. Really that’s about it, they’re otherwise pretty self sufficient. Ideally you do other things and teach them stuff, but we’re talking bare minimum here. Don’t be so shitty of a parent that your kid has to stab French Canadians to fix the damage you caused. Now pictures.
We were practically banging our heads against the wall, trying to figure out who was stabbing the French Canadians. By complete accident, I spotted this guy, unaware of my presence (but not for long!).
Oh crap, he saw us! He didn’t say much, but he didn’t need to. We didn’t stick around for exposition!
There’s still a problem. This one squirrel cannot possibly be stabbing people in Calgary the same time he’s stabbing people in Vancouver at the same time he’s stabbing people in Vancouver. The logistics just don’t work.
Maybe this guy works alone, maybe he’s part of an organized ring. In any case, there has to be multiple people involved in this activity, even if in a decentralized manner. (Like a real life dapp…sort of).
Once we’d worked out the multiple actors being a necessary component, it didn’t take long to find another lead!
It makes perfect sense. The perfect crime, every time!
You definitely want to arm yourselves, Canadians! You cannot fly, but you’ll stand a much better chance of defending yourself with a weapon of your own! Do not buy into the fearmongering propaganda!
What is this?!
It turns out the CBSA is supplying knives to the criminals!