Rockydennis Presents

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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

1. TWTR - Yes, I’m serious. Now is a good time to invest in Twitter. I’m not sure what’s even going on with EVERY STATE suing Facebook. Not sure if anyone is suing Twitter. But, I’m willing to bet that in the same way Twitter flew under the radar while Facebook was blowing up, they do the same thing but in reverse (staying under the radar while Facebook gets blown up).

2. TSLA - I learned new things recently. Nothing to do with Musk’s move to Texas, just stuff. About Elon Musk. And cryptocurrency. It’s probably too late to see 200% gains every other day, but it’s safe to say they’re not going to drop anytime soon. Speaking of cryptocurrency….

3. BTT - BitTorrent is a more significant cryptocurrency than most give it credit for. I guess it’s not just for pirating movies anymore. I view this as sort of like, I want at least X amount, but after that point I don’t care. It’s more of like, I won’t ever regret buying $100 worth of BTT if I buy it today.

4. NAK - $0.35/share. I’m sticking to my guns on this and, thanks to some well timed puts, got a few hundred more shares for like .28 cents? Doesn’t matter. Otherwise just gonna hold and re-assess at the end of January. I believe in the Pebble Mine.

5. JNJ - Barring unforseen events, we can expect an above average year of growth for the go-to Johnson. Which is kinda like saying 3 is above the average of 2, but I’ll take 50% more of a good thing. Or 5% is okay, too.