Is Zelensky a Nazi?
Zelensky wearing what appears to be an iteration of the Iron Cross. I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure our good buddies the Nazis liked that symbol.
For real though, wtf is that?
To the untrained eye, it’s a blurry bunch of bullshit, but that black blob in the bibbetty boppeti is actual the Baphomet decal sticker, available at the Rockydennis Presents Shop
Remember when Putin was talking about the Ukraine being controlled by Neo-Nazis? And SOME PEOPLE berated him for it? And I mean…what in Russia doesn’t sound ridiculous? Even their Doomsday Torpedo is designed to do damage in quantity units of “chunk of continent”. As if Doomsday Torpedo wasn’t already queer enough. (Not gay, but a sense of strangeness). Doomsday Torpedo at face value apparently wasn’t the first signal that we just might have gone too far.
We’ll circle back to Russia’s referring to Ukraine as Nazis. What I want to rethink and reimagine is how politicians dress. Or really, any public figure. It seems obvious that celebrities pay very close to attention to their attire when they’re going to be on public display. Do we really associate the same concept automatically with politicians? Or do we just take for granted that they all wear suits and ties, as if they could actually pass for mature adults?
So firstly, for Zelensky to be appearing in a T-shirt is already pretty cringe. I get that he’s trying to like, show some sort of pseudo-militaristic capacity (he’s an actor, so I guess that works), and “stand with the people” thing. Problem is, that kind of indicates that you’re definitely not in control of the situation.
You know who would stay calm, cool, collected, and well-dressed in the face of war? Benjamin Netanyahu. Benjamin Netanyahu would never get on TV in a t-shirt looking tired as heck.
Routinely unfazed by the constant threat of a desert-full of screaming towelheads.
Remember that time Benjamin Netanyahu was caught on television during an address to his entire country and was wearing his “Classically Trained NES-Theme” t-shirt? NO, YOU DON’T. That’s my point.
Is this conclusive evidence that Zelensky is a neo-Nazi? Hmm, maybe…if all you needed to close a coffin were a final nail. You’d have to secure it down first with nails representative of things like collusion with a neighbor’s adversary, using your own people as collateral.
I’m not saying Russia is the victim here….necessarily…, but that Zelensky is a giant asshole and goes far beyond being a shill and sellout. He literally was willing to let all of Ukraine die for his own selfish gain.
You know who else collateralizes their population, directly resulting in unnatural death? Africa. Africa does that. Zelensky is basically Africa, if Africa were a Slavic actor-turned-politician.
You’re a jerk, Africa. And possibly a Nazi, we aren’t ruling that out.