Rockydennis Presents

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Imitation Drugs!

Click Here to Buy Your Bottle Today!

I like that there is no ingredients listed, and I’ll tell you why. There’s two kinds of sketchy drugs you can buy online. The first sketchy kind is just Flintstones vitamins with Bam-bam’s face filed off. The other sketchy kind is derived either synthetically or organically (there’s a lot of drugs that grow in Africa most people don’t even know about), and produces results similar to what you’d expect from the real thing.

This is also not a new company, nor is this all that new of a product. Having any sort of longevity when it comes to selling stuff online is more than half the battle. It means whatever they’re doing, they’re keeping customers satisfied.

For only $49, I think it’s worth trying out. And if it’s good, you get discounts for buying more at a time.

It would probably come out of the kind of discretionary expense on par with say, a middle-of-the-day massage from one of those small kiosk-like places.