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Homeless Problem Solved?

(Yes, I solved it.)

I feel like we all know someone that looks like Jack Dorsey. Some of those someones are probably homeless. Would you want Jack Dorsey to be homeless?

No, the solution to homelessness is, sadly, not Jack Dorsey. But maybe in a way. But not.

Prison cells are the answer.

HOLD ON A SECOND. Let me explain.

Most homeless people don’t want to stay homeless. So obviously they need to get a job and a place to stay. Easy.

But it’s not easy. Don’t get me wrong, I have very little sympathy for the homeless, since almost invariably it all comes back to drugs. That being said, homelessness is a huge mutual problem. A problem for the non-homeless, and a problem for the currently-homeless. Oh btw, it’s gonna get a lot worse. LOL 2021 let’s go!

The largest issue for the homeless is access to sanitation. Food is a problem, too, but they can usually score reliable meals everyday. Unfortunately, that reliable meal usually involves waiting 2 hours at a time in lines. You can’t keep extra food at “home”, it’ll get stolen. Oh yeah, that’s right, when you’re homeless your only possessions are what’s in your pockets. If that.

So food, sanitation, security/shelter. We don’t want tent cities, we’re tired of that crap. And we don’t want to invest in shipping containers to make into transitional homes, because then they just stay there forever. It’s a marginal improvement, and only then if there’s plumbing hookups. Some cities put the homeless up in hotel rooms. This also just gives them a free home, leading to complacency. That is, until something magically breaks on its own costing you, the property owner, thousands of dollars you don’t have.

Anyone ever do rental properties? Chances are, your tenants managed to break just about everything that wasn’t a wall, floor, or ceiling…and even those are fair game. So even if we can afford to just give homes to people, can we afford to keep them livable?

So I was thinking about how to provide stuff that can’t be broken, and, duh, that’s exactly what prisons do! Just build prison blocks. Well, not exactly, I don’t think you could legally keep people locked in at night, even of their own free will…unless you staffed the area?….No no that’ s dumb, we want to set it and forget it.

I don’t think we want to give them showers. If anything it’d make more sense to build a public shower right next door. Besides breaking showerheads and having horrendous flooding, you don’t need someone to nod off and drown. Yeah so we’ll just give them the following -

-Bed-shelf. Stainless steel, obviously.

-Other shelves. Two. For putting stuff.

-Toilet-sink. It’s the only way.

-Lockable door. Maybe not with keys or anything. Padlock latch on the outside, deadbolt on the inside.

-USB outlets. No actual power outlets.

I would suggest that you could skip any sort of HVAC or built-in lighting solution, at least in warmer climates, but I’m not sure. Here in Michigan I’m fairly certain we would be required to provide heat, but I wouldn’t want to pay for it. You can say I’m cruel, but remember that I’m already providing a safe place they can take a dump and brush their teeth at.

I know, I know. You want to invest in this and have the project named after you. Fine, click here.

It’s important that we don’t give them free handouts. What we’re doing is removing barriers to cleaning up their lives and finding employment. A certain percentage can’t be saved, and that’s unavoidable. That’s also why blanket welfare doesn’t work. The sycophants immediately take full advantage of it.

My proposed shelters aren’t supposed to be comfortable. They’re supposed to be the bare minimum necessary to be self-sufficient. And since everything is stainless steel, cleanup is a breeze! Throw away anything they left, bleach it down, voila! Heck, you don’t need to even be involved, really. They’ll figure it out.

For anyone that skipped right to the end of this, here’s a link where you can donate to help end homelessness. And a picture of Jack Dorsey.