Asking the Hard Questions About Jeffrey Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein in Deep Thought

Today we’re taking a look at one of the most taboo topics today - Jeffrey Epstein.

The handsome gentleman pictured above (and below) was accused of the most heinous crimes, but we’ll get back to that. What we want to discuss today is his untimely death.

When Jeffrey Epstein died, allegedly in a prison cell, there was a veritable media blackout surrounding the event, causing a great deal of speculation as to what had happened.

It was then suggested by some cunt on CNBC that Mr. Epstein had taken his own life while under Suicide Watch in a Protective Custody unit. Almost immediately, viewers at home took to MySpace and their GeoCities blogs to share the belief that Mr. Epstein had been slain.

Really, though, we think both of those scenarios are hard to swallow. Not that they aren’t possible, but that there’s simply been no basic questions asked of the situation. No justice has been given to Jeffrey Epstein in this way.

Nobody has bothered to ask for proof that he was actually in prison to begin with, and that’s worth exploring; but we’re not going to.

What we want to know is, ladies and gentlemen, isn’t if Jeffrey Epstein was assassinated. What we want to know is...

Was Jeffrey Epstein Vaccinated?

Without knowing his vaccination status, there’s no way we can collectively draw any conclusion whatsoever - other than Mr. Epstein is being scapegoated as a child sex trafficker.

Really? Just scroll up to look at his pictures. A man that good looking has nothing to hide. If you want to see a real pedo, look at this fat turd…

What a smug piece of shit. This guy sniffs kids in ways that make Joe Biden jealous.

When is someone going to call this guy out and blame child sex trafficking on him? He’s clearly guilty. None of this allegedly crap. There’s no way this troll-hobbit-crossbreed looking mofo isn’t guilty of something messed up.

I almost want to give the guy a pass, because I have the same shirt, minus the pressed-on cherry. And by “press”, I mean iron. Do you know what an iron is? Are you old enough to have ever ironed your clothes?

Do millennials even wear clean clothes?

Oh and btw, it was the mRNA vaccine that killed Epstein.


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