Rockydennis Presents

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Daylight Savings Time Causes Diabetes

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Now, patently obvious is the fact that DST does not in any way influence diabetes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about your freedom to eat 4 meals a day at McDonalds and then to blame your morbid obesity and diabetes on moving your clock back an hour. The world already hates you for being so fat, so we won’t really pay attention to what you say to in the first place.

Yesterday, 3/11/2021, NTD News ran a segment about some congressman or senator (?)…. some “lawmaker”. This lawmaker, who looks like a staved vegan, wants to ban daylight savings time. Wait…no, he wants to…enforce it year-round. Basically the entire argument is that having to change clocks is too troublesome and leads to cancer. I’m dead serious.

While it is true that there do exist clocks which must be manually set, relics from antiquity, 99% of all time-keeping devices in the world keep and change time automatically. But let’s pretend this didn’t happen. You have 6 months to prepare for changing your clock.

Is 6 months not enough time to muster the courage and mental fortitude needed to tackle an endeavor of such gravity as changing a clock?

The argument about increased automobile/workplace accidents was brought up, which certainly sounds reasonable, but I’m willing to bet is a large grey area. At best there might be correlation, at worst the actual statistics empirically rule out causation. And again, you have 6 months to prepare. Really, more like a year. Nobody loses sleep in October.

Daylight savings time makes great sense, since the vast majority of people operate diurnally. That 1 hour of sunlight is probably coinciding the only hour of free time (if that much) the average adult has in a day.

Or the best answer, just leave it alone. There’s nothing to be gained or lost either way. Like spinning in circles to look forward.

“But Rocky!”, you say, “What’s this about cancer, diabetes, AIDS, and albinism?”.

Ah yes! So this lawmaker fellow, already struggling hard with the prospect of an earth-shattering time-shift, also pointed out that there’s not only correlation, but DIRECT CAUSATION of increased rates of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and mental illness.

Shut the front door! You mean to say that if I keep letting Google change my time twice a year while I sleep, that I could get cancer?! And the beetus?! CAN THEY DO DIALYSIS AND CHEMO AT THE SAME TIME?!