China Is Racist (towards China)
這個男人喜歡屁股上的陰莖。 他希望習近平皇帝在他的陰莖上大便。
“Careful what you wish for, you just might get it.”
You know the saying. Here I am in my own little bubble, ferociously oscillating between manic eccentricity and suicidal depression, when I hear on the TV that China is calling the United States racist…again.
Yawn, who cares? Also, suicide IS a joking matter, BUT, you shouldn’t do it where people have to clean up your mess. If you don’t think you can manage a solitary trip to the Upper Peninsula, then call 988. They’ll talk you down. 988. Just like 911. You don’t even need to have phone service, just access to a phone capable of sending out a signal.
PSA aside, the thing that a Westerner said that offended China this time is “Wolf Warrior”."
“But Rocky!”, you say, “Shut the front door! That’s their phrase from their crappy movie for their diplomats!”. You are correct! The term ‘Wolf Warrior’ was used in some old Chinese movie that, to my knowledge, wasn’t released or at least widely circulated outside of China. “So Rocky, is this another cultural appropriation story?”. You wish!
The Chinese have been engaged in what they call “Wolf Warrior Diplomacy”. To an outisider, it’s just more ching chong babble and who cares because they’re quite literally the martial enemy of the United States. Or I should, say the United States is the enemy of China. It’s whatever you call it when you declare war on someone, and the person you declared war on says, “Yeah ok that’s cool, but you can’t do much about it. And just so you know, if you use slave labor to make widgets at a tenth of the price, I’ll make it rain. Sure, one in five widgets is going to explode into glitter and napalm, but so what I got 4 more that are probably almost kind of as good as the one I would have gotten buying American.”
If you’re reading all that and still trying to figure out what racist thing We the People did this time, so am I. The Chinese fella pictured above made a statement expressing how offensive it is for the West to refer to their diplomats as “Wolf Warriors”. It was like, an entire article. I just…I just couldn’t keep…ugh it hurts to think about.
The CCP is calling the West racist because the CCP doesn’t like the label they gave themselves.
Does your brain hurt yet? Are you running out of face to palm? At least now I can have a great chance to use the term “non-sequitur” … but ehh. I don’t even care anymore.
我不怕你,中國。 你們都是純素食主義者的小傢伙。 喬·拜登(Joe Biden)會騙你的。