Michigan Partial Shutdown or You’re Ugly, Hide It
Starting Wednesday, November 18, 2020, the State of Michigan will partially close stuff again, per the above the graphic. Though the announcement was made on Sunday, this has been planned long enough that some people knew about this at least two weeks ago.
The same people have, without being explicit, strongly suggested that to believe the 2 week timeline is foolish. Matter of fact it was changed to 3 weeks at the last minute?
But how do I really know what’s up? It’s believe fourth-hand information from people that happen to have accumulated more wealth than myself, or believe the TV. Both sources have proved reliably unreliable and prone to dishonesty. Six in one, half a dozen in the other.
Governor Whitmer did acknowledge the effect the closures have had and will have on persons working in the foodservice industry. Honestly, it just moved the process up by a generation. Remember that when the automobile came on the scene, street cleaners (horse-poop scoopers) were being squeezed out of existence, a job that paid relatively well given its low barrier to entry. Now those people that would push poop brooms are changing your oil and trying to sell you on a transmission fluid change because you don’t know a damn thing about your vehicle and didn’t even read the manual.
What wasn’t discussed was the Great Lakes Pipeline. It’s getting shut down (almost guaranteed at this point). The risk to our fresh water is too great to justify having the pipeline. You can’t leak oil and gas if you don’t put it there to risk leaking in the first place. Btw it’s been there for over 50 years.
I for one am all about this. But I wonder what the alterior motive is. If Whitmer could open a Covid Shutdown announcement by complaining about President Trump and the economy, you’d think she could have at least acknowledged the jobs and tax revenue that will be lost due to the pipeline closure. She acknowledged an industry predominately occupied by drug addicts (not judging , just saying), but doesn’t seem to care about real jobs paying real wages to real taxpayers.
I feel that our Governor has a responsibility to at least address this, instead of letting it fall by the wayside because of the CCP virus. Preferably we’d have a plan to offset the lost jobs and monies, or at the very very least to just say “Our freshwater lakes are far too precious of a resource to risk polluting further than we already have.”.
BTW, what happened to her other ASL interpreter? This new broad is ugly and didn't wear her mask while standing next to the Governor. Her stupid exaggerated facial expressions are far from necessary for signing. And the argument to be made that facial expressions help convey ideas and context can be made just as strongly, if not more so, for spoken language.
Slow the spread of Ugly. For the love of God, cover that mess up.