2022 Goals

We’ve met our goals for 2021 with a few weeks to spare, and now it’s time to publish our goals for 2022. The first two goals are somewhat easy, in that they’re both sort of a financial nature. The third, however, I wanted to put more thought into. Largely because I’ve been dipping my toe in various bodies of water, without ever going much further. The goals, of course, need to be more than just random thoughts in my head. A hypothetical audience should also be able to follow along on the real life journey.

  1. Make the maximum contribution to an IRA.

    While we’ll be taking the full deduction for 2021, we won’t have actually made the deposit in the calendar year of 2021. I enjoy learning and applying tax rules. For things that apply to me, otherwise it’s unrelatable and boring.

  2. Open an HSA.

    This is one sneaky son of a bitch. There’s no way I’ll qualify for Medicaid next year, but I should be alright without it. For someone like me, an HSA is really the only way to achieve medical coverage.

    So an HSA is a health savings account meant for retirement, and contributions are tax-deductible. It’s like an IRA. In fact, it pretty much is. What you can do, though, is withdraw and use HSA funds without incurring penalties or paying income tax AT ANY POINT IN TIME….(for qualifying medical expenses). While there is a max contribution, it is counted separate from your IRA max. Dope.

    This is great for a person like me, because it requires an HDHP. Jesus Christ with the acronyms arleady. Yeah I know, but just hear me out. The High Deductible Health Plan is just what it sounds like, and not just any HDHP will do. Your deductible needs to be a minimum of like $1400. Okay, cool, who cares. Honestly, as it stands, that’s about the threshold of expense to where I’d want extra coverage anyway. An HDHP typically has a substantially lower premium than a more traditional healthcare package.

  3. Achieve better Work/Life balance.

    Pretty much all I need to do at this point is formally quit my day job. It’s tough because I literally don’t do anything besides avoid doing any real work, and I get paid for it. I try to get fired and end up getting bonuses. So, there’s perks.

    The downside is that everything else suffers. Not just Rockydennis Presents, but also RDP activities, and even my own personal investment management. Plus, it’s impossible to do any significant intraday trades (and I definitely have missed out on some great opportunities).

    Maybe this goal should be “Get a New Day Job”. Ultimately we want that risk-free guaranteed W-2. It doesn’t really matter what amount is on there. Though, it would be nice if the amount was worth the time. Or rather, the time spent was worth the amount.

    Quite frankly I care less about money when I have no time to do anything with it. Spend it, maybe. But mostly just care for it, nurture it, love it. Like a kitty. We do not eat the kitty, we pet the kitty.


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