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Palki Sharma Upadhyay

This is the woman AOC wishes she could be.

Palki Sharma Upad…Uph…Upady…. Palki Sharma is the host of Gravitas, an incredible news shows on the World is One news network, WION.

She’s the smartest, sexiest, sassiest liberal that any mainstream media outlet has to offer. Let’s be honest, you immediately thought she was hot. Because she is.

Palki is also incredibly well-spoken and fiercely intelligent. I could listen to her interview people all day, everyday. (Right now it’s only 2-3 days a week I can commit to Gravitas).

Initially I thought she was kind of a bitch, and I’m not really a fan of her political views. Sometimes she reminded me of a know-it-all 20-something Democrat that didn’t actually know it all, or truly understand the party she was all about.

But I was wrong. Sort of. Palki definitely comes across really bitchy, and certainly does have the know-it-all attitude. However, she sort of does know it all. Whereas say, Rachel Maddaeu (I’m not double-checking the spelling) probably doesn’t believe anything coming from her own mouth, I feel as if Mrs. Upadhyay truly does believe most of the liberal crap she says. She has conviction.

“But Rocky!” you say, “You selected Strongly Conservative on your YouGov profile!”. Goddamn right I did.

Palki Sharma Upadhyay verbally tears China to shreds, which I love. Because China sucks. At least, when it serves her narrative. Okay cool, she hates China.

Then she rips apart Joe Biden, which I mean…the dude is like half retarded at this point. Come on man.

Okay so she hates China, hates Joe Biden…what about Russia? Oh yeah, tears Putin from time to time. Iran? Israel? Yep, yep. Sometimes she has nice things to say about all of the above, as well, but usually only to make a point. Even Pakistan gets it from both ends.

Damn. She just hates everyone. Makes sense, since she seems to be very on-board with the globalist agenda. I’m not really surprised since she works for World is One News (WION).

BUT WAIT! NOPE! She only cares about a One World view when India is at the helm. Thus far, I haven’t found any clips of her dissing Prime Minister Modi. You can’t really disparage someone for putting their own country first…even when they simultaneously purport that the world must manage itself as a singular unit. It’s probably easier to have that viewpoint when your country -is- a third of the world.

I don’t agree with a lot of what the woman says, quite frankly. Probably because she seems to be more concerned with arguing and pushing a narrative, and dominating conversations. I do agree, with myself, that she really is the best part of WION. Jesus Christ I swear, some of the other voices for WION are just…ugh, they just drone on in stereotypical Indian monotone.

She’s definitely one of my favorite people to listen to right now, right up there with Lester Holt.