Rockydennis Presents

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Robinhood Promo

I was going to put up some affiliate marketing links in the hopes that lost Indonesian web surfers would click, but after seeing commissions and fees for some of these services… well F that. You aren’t here because you’re wealthy, or even comfortable with your income.

Being skeptical at first, my skepticism melted quickly away when I did just a little bit of my own homework and realized that Robinhood’s commission-free and free-free gateway to investment and trading makes them more money than commissions ever could. See because that was my big suspicion, not “how can they offer this service” but “How can they profit”. The answer, EASILY

Without hesitation, click here to sign up! My entire retirement strategy revolves around the free stocks they give for referrals one day turning into the next Amazon.

Stay tuned to , next week we’ll be taking a more serious look at money management for poor people.