Rockydennis Presents

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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

Not gonna lie fam, I’m not making a whole lotta more moves for the rest of the year. I’m $120 away from being truly debt-free, and since I’ve unexpectedly met all my other financial goals for the year, I think I’ll just take my 8 hours of employment a week, my UIA scraps, and whatever I can get from selling premium on RIOT (170 this week. I have some very far expirations from last week. No regrets.).

lol I just realized while typing this, that even with reduced premium income, I’m still making more than at “my real job”. Okay, on to it

  1. RIOT - Can this get any better? I think it’s finally starting to level out a bit, and expect this week to end right around $10. I don’t think we’re ever going back to $4

  2. IRCP - Bought for the dividend. The price and timeframe were all I looked at. 1 share netted $3.82 somehow. From a $14 purchase.. WHAT! I must acquire more.

  3. DASH - This is a cryptocurrency, which is BOOMING in Venezuela. I was wondering why so many Venezuelans were visiting my crypto (Here and here) pages. The citizens themselves are making the change to DASH, it has nothing to do with Maduro. Does he even know? Wtf is going on in Venezuela?! Oh, right…

  4. ABBV - Speaking of dividends, now would be a good time to start picking up some shares of this. $108, though. Safe bet I won’t be writing calls on this anytime soon!

  5. HRB -H&R Block, another one that I did no research into beyond the ex-dividend date. Looking at the 5 year chart, though, $16/share is a steal. Unless you think they’re going to file for bankruptcy (Spoiler, never gonna happen).

I also would pick ETFs (throw a dart, who cares) you can reasonably expect to be around this time next year. I love speculating, but thanks to Covid-19 (or the reptilian agenda, whichever), the name of the game is risk management. Not a link, just bold for emphasis.