Rockydennis Presents

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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

Hey there everybody, how ya’ll doing? I hope you’ve been enjoying the holidays. I sure have!

Yeah, not even going to say it this time. Hope ya’ll been buying it these past few months!

  1. STAG - Affordable stock paying above-average MONTHLY dividends. Kind of a no-brainer.

  2. Any ETF - On the one hand, I have some opinions about funds. On the other hand, it’s virtually impossible to lose over time. Only downside is when the market takes a dive, you’re going along for the ride.

  3. CODX - Weekly premiums. Under $10/share. Fairly volatile, and it tends to stay within a certain range without any giant swings.

  4. SNDL - At 50 cents a share you can write WEEKLY calls for $.05-.10 . If you buy 10 contracts, that’s $50/week. in 10 weeks you ROI. This would a good way to get started on replacing your shitty paychecks with more or less free/easy money.

    Now, this might be a good time to YOLO. Here’s the thing, Sundial is never going out of style (thanks to Robinhood). But how long can a stock have options traded on it while the share price is under $1? Pretty sure there’s like, a thing, about that.

  5. RICK - I can’t really afford to get too heavy into this one, but it’s a very safe buy. Probably safer than JNJ. I can’t tell you too much about it, like whether or not it’s porn. But it’s porn.