Rockydennis Presents

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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

Wow, this site has gotten virtually no love all week. I could explain why, but why bother? I have it on good authority that I’m not the only one with too few arms and too little time, and I suspect many others are in the same boat.

As always, we’re going to take what’s in front of us and make lemonade. WE DON’T EVEN NEED LEMONS! As Apple and Onion would say, “With a positive attitude, we’ll get the job done!”. Risk-taking is what it is, but I’m not all about it right now. I’ve got my bare minimum savings that I’m comfortable with, virtually no bills upcoming, and more guaranteed income outside of our RIOT calls. Speaking of which…

  1. RIOT - The Reddit-driven artificial inflation of BitCoin seems to be abating, just in time for Goldman Sachs to get in on the action. With the exchange rate of USD to BitCoin back to $50k, now is a great time to do anything and everything with RIOT. Sell off if you got in at $4, buy in if you want to see it settle comfortably at $64 (yes, $64). Or just write calls.

  2. F - Ford Motor Company is a safe investment any day. Safe by Detroit standards, anyway. Now would be a good time to reflect back on when we bought in at $9, but it’s not too late! $15 is coming…Soon™. Also, weekly Options. The premiums aren’t huge, but that is to be expected with low volatility. Oh, and the dividends? Also small!

  3. AXL - Detroit-based manufacturer of ….oh Jesus, it’s a big list even to copy/paste. “Driveline and Metal Forming” is the short description. Axles, gears, transmissions, PTU’s…basically all the moving parts you never see or care about. Skimming through, they make stuff for both conventional and legacy vehicles. (Conventional = Electric, Legacy = Gasoline/Hybrid. Sorry, John Titor is helping me write this one). This is an appreciable advantage compared to other parts manufacturers, such as TG Fluids (which primarily makes fuel lines…for fuel. Gas.)

  4. WKHS - Workhorse lost the USPS contract and the price dropped by half. Robinhood showed some articles about blah blah whatever doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t expect Workhorse to get back to $40 anytime too soon (that was just flavor the week easymoders taking advice from teenagers on Reddit), but $25-30 by summer isn’t outside the realm of probability.

  5. CDXS - The only thing I know about this company is that it’s involved in the manufacture and distribution of protein. I do know that if my choice is between a Fuel Cell developer and a protein synthesizer (Fuel Cell versus Cell Fuel), I’m going with cell fuel.

    The other option was WPRT. The thing is, I’m super iffy about fuel cell viability. More correctly, I don’t think alternative fuels are going to be able to compete long-term in a global marketplace with fossil fuel/electric. Unless they count nuclear power as “alternative fuel”.