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Trump Support Rally Usurped By Jews

I’ts 12:45 PM right now, I’ve been watching the rally in DC for a couple hours now. The emcee is noticeably Jewish. That part wasn’t strange, it was how he … tried to position himself as a Christian? But he’s obviously not. Particularly in response to the Latino woman who had that picture of … uh, the lady patron saint of Mexico or something. Something to do with Spanish Catholicism.

Wait, is this about Trump or about God? Whatever, they’re expressing freedom of religion. It is weird that he keeps referring to God as Yeshua. Typically only Jews and Jesuits do that. Hmm….

Anyway so now there’s another guy who appears and also sounds Jewish, but led the people in prayer and is preaching. But he was also talking about Passover and Hannukah and whatnot…never once mentioning Christian or Jesus.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we’re witnessing Jewry at its worst right before our eyes. Peace in the Middle East wasn’t enough to satisfy their unending greed and lust for power. They are trying to usurp the budding Grand American Party!

I think most of the crowd sees what’s going on, too. They aren’t really getting too jazzed up about this religious rhetoric. Probably because most of them are there to support our President. Even if there’s not a Jewish agenda (but there is, and yes it conflicts with the socialist agenda), I still don’t like how this has so far just been a platform for God.

This is just wasting an opportunity to get work done. I knew I should have taken my 1 day of work off and flown to DC to make sure some crap like this didn’t happen. God doesn’t need you to tell him how f’ing good his coffee is.

12:55 PM - Alex Jones just took the stage. This is a wash.

Alex Jones does say a lot of true things people don’t want to hear, but he also says a lot of dumb crap and really just lacks any credibility whatsoever.

Donald Trump doesn’t need you put a foot in his mouth for him.

1:12 PM - Apparently this is a Jericho March. I assume that a large number of the people there were also under the impression that this was more about supporting our Champion of the Constitution. Even the link I clicked to watch on NTD said “Trump Rally in DC”.

I’m not going to look up what specifically a Jericho March is, but I assume the cast of characters on the stage do this kind of often, and it is meant to be a religious thing. More power to them, but I still question the choice to allow Alex Jones to participate.

I guess I just can’t get behind this. The message is mostly reasonable, except that it’s based in religious belief. Haha, omg no way, 1:17PM Headline says “Let the Church Roar!” Rally. Glad we have that bit of information corrected.

I’m glad we have their support, but if we end up having to remove and replace corrupt Republicans, we’re going to have to discuss a little thing called separation of Church and State.