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Taliban Assault Woman

This woman killed 3 Taliban, so really the title should be “Afghan Assault Woman”.

Just after the recent takeover of pretty much the entirety of Afghanistan by the Taliban, a woman was publicly assaulted by a group of something like 400 Sharia men. I’m not sure if they’re technically Taliban if they aren’t jihadists, or how that works, but they definitely follow Sharia Law.

To be honest, my first reaction was like “Okay, so what? That’s what the dirka dirkas do'“. You can’t really be surprised at this point. Or maybe I’m just getting old and failing to realize that entire generation of young adults doesn’t know or care about Taliban or Sharia Law.

Then of course, I wanted to know what this woman did. I mean, she had to have known that it was Inside Time for women. She was apparently in the Town Square, making a TikTok video.

Seems like she got let off easy. TikTok is trash.

Thinking about it now, though, if she was dancing in a TikTok video, this girl might legitimately not have known that Sharia Law meant you stay inside and do what your husband tells you to do.

Alright, this is getting juicy. I’m going to actually look this up and copy/paste some details. In the meantime, enjoy these pictures of Taliban.

Remember the Taliban?

WRONG. These are Al-Qaeda. The terrorists. You might remember them from 2001.

These are Taliban soldiers. Or Freedom Fighters. Whatever these niggas call themselves.

These are Taliban politicians. Wtf…I kind of want to understand more about Afghanistan now. Oh right, the TikTok girl.

Okay, so here’s some copy/paste info from a better article …

On August 17, Lahore Police has registered a case against hundreds of unidentified men for assaulting a female TikTok star and her associates on August 14, at Iqbal Park, Lahore

Wait. Pakistan?

So besides being in a country not controlled by Taliban, or Sharia Law, this woman wasn’t just some ignorant teen girl. Though she isn’t named, she is apparently a popular TikTok star and had been shooting a video with the help of her 6 associates.

She clearly knew what she was doing. Wait, is Pakistan under Sharia Law? I feel like it’s not, particularly because of the next clipping..

An FIR has been registered based on the complaint of the victim under Sections 354A (assault or use of criminal force against woman and stripping her of her clothes), 382 (theft after preparation made for causing death, hurt or restraint to commit the theft), 147 (rioting) and 149 (unlawful assembly) of the Pakistan Penal Code.

Here’s more.

The victim said that her ring, earrings, the mobile phone of an associate, identity card and PKR 15,000 cash were forcibly taken from them during the assault.

Sajid Kiyani, DIG Operations, Lahore, ordered the Superintendent of Police to take immediate legal action against the suspect. The Police are checking CCTV footage to identify the suspects. In a statement, Kiyani said, “Those who violated women’s honour and harassed them will be brought within the ambit of the law.”

Anyway, I am pretty sure this “victim” knew exactly what she was doing, and doing it to increase her TiKTok power. I can’t say I blame her, necessarily, in regards to taking risks for more likes/follows. That’s just it, she is assuming the risk. In case you were wondering…

The popular Chinese short video app has been banned several times in Pakistan for allegedly allowing “inappropriate content” on its platform.

I love that the TikTok ban has nothing to do with ties to the PLA or the CCP, or concerns about inadvertently supporting the genocide of Uyghur Muslims (which would make a lot of sense in a Muslim country)… The concern is over someone getting a boner.

On that note, is Pakistan under Sharia Law? Here’s an answer from Quora. (Obviously it’s not super strict if they have a method for punishing the men that laid hands on the woman, despite how cringe TikTok is).

Theoretically yes. Pakistan officially has a Federal Sharia Court (FSC), which oversees the activities of other branches of the state so that they conform to the Sharia law. No bill passed by the parliament and no decree of the government can be at odds with the rulings of the FSC.

What did we learn today?

Afghanistan and Pakistan are slightly different countries.

Of course, with millions of Afghan refugees fleeing the Taliban, many heading to Pakistan, the ethnic and cultural differences will be further diluted.

We also learned that Al-Qaeda and Taliban are different.

Isn’t that an ISIS flag?

Apparently there is a difference between Al-Qaeda and ISIS. And they dress differently across different regions.

Jesus Christ, they’re all crazy sand people at the end of the day. I fucking love that the guys in the last picture are wearing sandals.

In Detroit, we got Arabs that look like Bin Laden.