Rockydennis Presents

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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

This week is just more of the same. I paid a $700 past due bill, so that’ll help my credit score. Having a little cushion from selling calls/puts is nice. I’ve also been trying to get into buying puts, at least mentally. I don’t like trying new things without being easily able to comprehend what it is I’m trying to accomplish. I suppose this is where paper trading comes in handy, and you can just spam trial and error until you find what works for you then translate it to real life, but idk seems like the amateur financier equivalent of only wiping half your ass after taking a crap.

  1. NAK - I buy it for $1, sell it for a $1, trade on it at $1…tbh it’s almost like you can’t lose, and milking the premiums feels a lot less shaky than RIOT (but maybe that’s just because $400 still feels like a LOT of money to me).

  2. RIOT - I worry that the calls I sold will be exercised, but I am prepared for that situation. (They’d be called at $50 less per 100 than I paid). But really if I just buy them right back at that same price, it’s like nothing ever happened and I continue farming the premiums. Which is my current goal.

  3. GNUS - It’s cheap, but somehow is a company that caters to people with too much money on their hands? Idk, I am pretty sure this was a mistake, but maybe it’ll help me get better at handling situations in which I find myself in a less than ideal position.

  4. RIG - There seems to be some very wild swings, as much as 10% on a near daily basis. I haven’t gotten my hands too dirty on this guy yet beyond an options contract.

  5. TSLA - I’ve been wary of the tech stocks, they just seem to be non-stop growing with no end in sight. I’m starting to come around a bit more, and lean towards this being part of the new normal. After all, there’s a lot of losers right now so it only makes sense there’d have to be some big winners. (I’m thinking of all the restaurants shutting their doors permanently. On that note, SYY is always a good buy. Good things come from Sysco. They’ll be around after smaller distributors run out of customers. This is ALREADY HAPPENING BTW)

I realize that my picks are probably pretty predictable week-to-week, but I’m not trying to be a hack and just throw out random FOTM picks or pure fantasy picks. At least, that’s what I’d expect of anyone else who’s new to investing and has only a couple months of experience/education to draw from.