Rockydennis Presents

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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

The market is down this week, or at least my own little slice of it is. Naturally this means buying more shares of any stock I’m writing covered calls on. WKHS, ATOS, RIOT, SNDL, ET.

But what about new investments? This week we’re taking a break from crazy and looking out across the Pacific to Indonesia. We’re sticking to ADRs and US-based companies, as foreign markets are beyond the scope of Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks.

Before we continue, the above image is not one of our accounts. However, we do highly recommend Tradestation. It’s a bit daunting to jump into as a novice. If it feels about a million times faster than Robinhood, that’s because it is.

  1. BKRKY - Holding company that provides financial services. The description is long and uses lots of business and financial words that makes it sounds legit. Also, the company was Bank Rakyat was founded in 1895 and presently employs 61,500 persons. $13.17 a share, pays a small dividend. No options.

  2. TLK - $21.74, modest dividend. No options. Though only founded in 1991, they’re HQ’d in Jakarta. What do they do? Telekom Indonesia provides telecommunications solutions.

  3. PPERY - Bank Mandiri provides banking services. Founded in 1824, employing 38,000+ people. Dividends are small, options are non-existent. Looking at $8 a share right now, and not anticipating it to go any lower for any significant amount of time.

  4. INDO - A young gas and oil company company, they’re pretty fresh to being listed. No options are dividends (yet), but we see this stock doing well in the short-term. The long-term forecast is hazy, however, so we’re only buying a handful of shares…for now. $5.36

  5. EIDO - This $20+ ETF is one of two listed ETFs tradeable on Robinhood.

There’s several dozen more Indonesian stocks that trade OTC, however.

We recommend mining companies. Indonesia is the world’s largest producer of nickel. We weren’t even aware of that fun fact until the time of this writing, so that’s really just icing on the cake.