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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

Oh no, another holiday weekend! How unfortunate.

(We aren’t fans of holidays).
(And our price listings are being posted pre-market on Friday, so they vary significantly by the time the market closes).

In any case, we’ve got about $3.50 to invest somewhere, so let’s figure this out.

  1. LTC - $34.17/share, 6.67% yield. One of our favorite REITs, this seems to have been largely immune to… everything. It just keeps doing its thing and ticking upwards while paying generously.

    This may be in large part due to their properties - senior housing and health care. Solid.

  2. ACVF - $39.86/share, 0.71% yield. The annualized yield has actually tripled in the last couple years. Wow! That’s not really what we’re after, though. Nor is the 0.75% expense ratio our primary focus here.

    *Rule of thumb for ETFs is to look for expense ratios >1.0%

    We like the American Conservative Values Fund because, as its name implies, it holds equities that represent American conservative values. Additionally, the price has steadily ticked upward. Very slowly, very steadily.

    This is just a really safe spot to park money, with a bit more liquidity than Treasury Securities.

  3. LLAP - $0.916/share. This company went public in 2022, but was founded in 2013. They manufacture and operate satellites. Satellite operations are largely ground-based, and Terran Orbital happens to own their own ground infrastructure. Very nice.

    Monthly options are available for LLAP. The stock price isn’t reassuring, but we can foresee a scenario in which they are acquired by another company. Their hard assets aren’t going to just become worthless, even if the company itself basically does.

    We’ll take a risk here, no problem.

  4. ARMK - $31.61/share, 1.20% yield, monthly options. They largely operate as food operations suppliers, including environmental solutions (janitorial/housekeeping).

    They’re basically the Sysco of institutions. Universities, hospitals, schools, and the like are typical customers of Aramark.

    That’s not to say you won’t see Sysco working with large institutions, and that you can’t find Aramark products in small businesses, but these would be exceptions.

    Off the cuff, you might be thinking “Food is food, what’s the difference?”, but in terms of operations there’s a huge difference between different kinds of establishments. These suppliers/distributors eek out profits by making their services particularly valuable to particular setups.

    In any case, Aramark is a safe investment.

  5. SYY - $72.87/share, 2.79% yield, monthly options. Sysco is possibly the largest distributor of goods to restaurants in the United States. We aren’t bothering to check, we’re just feeling it out. It rings true.

    The share prices is stable and dividend payouts are reliable. You really can’t go wrong here. Even in the worst of times, restaurants (and especially bars) find a way to keep on running.

    While those particular establishments may struggle across the board, overall they still inevitably exist and still inevitably need things. Good things. And as we all know…
    Good Things Come from Sysco.