Rockydennis Presents

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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

No, we’re not buying silver this week. Although…we probably should.

We would buy FTCH shares, but since we just got assigned on another cash-secured put, we’re all set. Joke’s on them - we wanted to average down! Although, at ~$2.50/share, we probably should….

  1. T - $15.23/share, options trade weekly. Quarterly dividends averaging 7.37%. The price is moving back up, so let’s grab a few more shares on the cheap.

  2. WMT - $164.64/share, ex-div 12/7/23, annualized at 1.38%, options trade weekly.

    What, you don’t have $16,464 laying around to start doing buy-writes? What are you even doing with your life?

  3. KSS - $22.80/share, ex-div 9/20, quarterly dividends annualized at 8.79%, options trade weekly.

    Get a head start on the holiday shopping season, and get ahead of a sharp rise in share price!

    Or at the very least, enjoy a surprisingly solid dividend from Kohl’s.

  4. CRSR - $15.20/share, options trade monthly. We have no real insight or reason to purchase shares in Corsair Gaming, beyond the fact that we’re discussing gaming at the time of this writing.

    For a random buy, you could do a lot worse.

  5. BPOPM - $25.94/share, this preferred stock is cumulative and pays monthly. Ex-div was 9/14.

    We could explain how we came to pick this stock, but that’s a dumb story and would put into question our judgement and integrity. So instead, here’s an italicized factoid about the company.

The company was founded on October 5, 1893, and is headquartered in San Juan, Puerto Rico.