Rockydennis Presents

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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

This week is a good week to start throwing darts, everything is going up!

Maybe. Don’t quote us on that. Our entire thought process here is that we’re opening bearish positions - so we expect the market to move opposite to our desired outcome.

This week we’re going to definitely want to pad out our uranium and oil holdings.

  1. UEC - $4.00/share, monthly options. We’ve heard no word of a possible dividend, but we see one analyst giving a price target of $8.25. On Jan 25th, UEC received the $17.85M ($17,850,000) previously contracted for supplying uranium to the United States Federal Government.

  2. ET - $13.28/share, weekly options, quarterly dividends, and Energy Transfer operates as an LP. The only drawback is that you don’t want this in your IRA….maybe. We haven’t double-checked last year’s K-1 to see the breakdown, but generally LPs inside an IRA aren’t a great idea, because 990-T.

    Nothing wrong with business income inside an IRA, but it does sort of defeat the purpose. That said, there’s exceptions to every rule but we’re not about to start helping you destroy your retirement savings. We’ll stick to ruining your brokerage account.

    (Ex-div is 2/06, so the price should come down a bit).

  3. NS - $16.88/share, monthly options, quarterly dividends, and NuStar Energy operates as an LP. Ex-div 2/07.

    There’s also preferred shares available, if that’s your thing. Same goes for ET. Preferred all day, baby!

    What happens when do Preferred Shares + MLP ? We’re not entirely certain, that’s….uhm…. oh hey, Look over there!

  4. USEG -$2.43/share, quarterly dividends, ex-div 2/09. They’re only paying like 3%, nothing crazy. The share price is pretty low, but they hadn’t been paying dividends until last year. So, there’s that.

    We feel that U.S. Energy Corp has a great name. It’s an oil company, but does not operate as an LP from what we can tell. Our feeling is that this is basically the real-life Shinra Corp, but hasn’t yet perfected and monopolized Mako Energy.

    It’s got the evil part down, and the big government part down. What’s not to love?

  5. SIRE - $25.51/share, quarterly dividends, ex-div 2/10, and operates as an LP. This company has been paying steady dividends for eight years now (at least), and is about to be acquired by a sister company.

    The only real downside is that the price is up from $15 in October. Jesus Christ.

    We did virtually no real research into this company, and we’re not going to. You might want to, depending on how you feel about mystery oil/gas companies. Maybe you’re already familiar with Sisecam, formerly Ciner Resources Corp.

    Our thought is - it’s a bunch of rich assholes getting richer. We’re looking for the big energy paydays and are willing to ride out the inevitable downturns, and have zero actual interest in the share price.

    If your mileage varies, then please do something that looks like due diligence.