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Principia Discordia

Alright, take two. I had was so close to saving this page and then Opera crashed. I didn’t know Opera could crash. Especially with less stuff running than normal.

So the moment’s gone, which is just as well since I ended up writing more about Achaea than the Principia. See, I’d originally read the Principia in Achaea (a text-based MUD, RP required). It’s also available for free online. I don’t know about bookstores in general, but the internet tells me that Wal-Mart carries the Principia Discordia. I’m not sure if that’s online only, and I got mine from Amazon, BUT, I would have snagged it in-store if I’d seen it. Check out the cover, it’s pretty dope.

It’s real. And shiny. And I got fingerprints on it just to take this horrible picture. Mostly I hate the red paint on the walls, more than I hate myself.

What’s it about, you ask? Is it some sort of religious text? A guide to overcoming baldness? A record of sports bets taken by a shady bookie behind the last remaining Howard Johnson’s? Maybe it’s a story about Neil Armstrong’s first acid trip in space.

A little bit of everything. I don’t have an affiliate link (yet) but I still highly recommend this book for anyone that found their way here. Unless you’re visiting here from the Betfury section, then this particular page may not be your cup of tea. But of course, you probably can’t read English if you’re here from the cheapo ads I’ve been spamming to Indonesia.

Hail Eris! Hail Discordia! -><- The Arrows of Chaos Point in All Directions