Rockydennis Presents

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President’s Day

I wanted to do an essay about how these two men have been the most effective means of preventing invasions by illegal aliens, and they definitely both deserve a lot of credit for doing so, but I’m not able to come through. I’ve hit a wall and need to recover.

No, not THAT wall, silly! But the wall has been incredibly effective. If you want a fun-filled afternoon since Joe Biden said you’re not allowed to have a job anymore, I suggest digging real deep through the censored internet to find out how Baraka Obama laid the necessary groundwork (intentionally) to erect a border wall!

Mexicans aside, these two are probably the most beloved presidents of all time. While we venerate the classics, that’s only because they’re dead and gone. Abraham Lincoln was fiercely unpopular, even in his own party, for example.

A lot of Democrats and Transgender Pro Atheletes (grown men that compete in middle school girls’ sports) will send Karen Kannons and shoot snowflakes all over the place if you point out how much Obama punished poor people and made white people safer.

Likewise, the Republicans will divide their party by 0 if you point out that it was Donald Trump that gave everyone jobs that produce real goods, brought peace to the Middle East, and gave minorities faith in their votes.

Obama and Trump made the regular, everyday lower classes care about government, if only for brief moments in history. While they represent diametrically opposed ideologies, they also represent real, practical, positive changes for the People of the United States of America.

Oh, and there were other presidents, too. One did a lot of coke, one was inspired by dementia to militarize satellites, and one other got a blowjob.

There you have it, every single President that has ever existed!