Rockydennis Presents

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99% of Nestle Ice Cream is Unhealthy

Nestle in a Soup, Again

I would really suggest watching the Gravitas (on the WION network) covering some leaked internal documents from Nestle regarding their failure to turn unhealthy food into healthy food.

This is happening in India, so I mean, they are like 50 years behind the real world. They still think MSG is bad. They have the internet…WION relies on the internet to function….yet they can’t use a search engine to debunk common myths.

You kind of just gotta watch the segment to appreciate the sheer willful ignorance of it all. My favorite part is when Palki Sharma Upadhyay emphasizes that NINETY-NINE PERCENT of Nestle’s ‘confectionary and creamery products’ were “not healthy, and never going to be healthy”.

Well … damn. I really would have thought the percentage of unhealthy ice cream would be 100. Can’t we just appreciate that Nestle managed to make 1% of the most unhealthy thing ever healthy?

The next segment is about meal worms being used as food in Mexico. On a large scale. Being scaled as a global solution. Not “maybe”, this is like…the EU just cleared it. I thought we were done proving that eating insects is a last resort for starving humans. No one has ever seen one of those travelling food shows where they go to the bug restaurant and get all these elaborate, and disgusting, plates of food?

Then the chef or owner will be like “yeah this is really just for tourists. We don’t eat this shit.”

I also love that they imply the Mexicans are eating mealworms. Mexicans are indeed a dirty people, but they aren’t nasty like that. They have real food. Even the poor people food is good in Mexico. They’re definitely farming out the maggots for sale to Europe, though.