Rockydennis Presents

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F@&* This Guy!

This guy wants to unify Korea. That’s a pretty typical sentiment of the Korean people. Except usually they’re thinking along the lines of bringing the North into a free society. Makes sense, right?

WRONG! This guy wants a unified Korea under the leadership of the CCP. What an asshole!

Moon Jae-In is the President of South Korea. He won by a landslide election. An open and fair election with absolutely no evidence of fraud. Except for that part where China directly interfered and got the wrong guy elected, voter choice be damned.

Part of me wants to investigate further, mostly to see if by chance Dominion/SmartMatic were involved in any way. I’m sure the technical answer is no, it’s probably WinElectionsEasy LLC or some such.

Most of the Western world looks at this situation, and says “meh,. who cares, they’re Asian”. I wonder if the free (in some cases not-so-free) peoples of Asia-land looks at the election shenanigans in the U.S. and are like “Who cares? Fat Americans believe anything the TV tells them”.

Whatever, I just heard something about the NY Times reporting that 140,000 votes for Biden came in a period of 5 minutes… wtf, I must acquire more information. Even if you’re on board with the NWO and don’t care about legality or national sovereignty, you at least have to shake your head at the sheer sloppiness they exhibit. It’s not a matter of how stupid the average person in, it’s a matter of poor craftsmanship and bad work ethic.

If I still had my World Domination Manifesto I wrote in elementary school, I’d share it with the world. Hell, I might just be unanimously made Ruler of Earth because my vision actually makes sense and doesn’t rely on juvenille schoolyard bullshit to succeed.

Oh yeah, one more thing - Why did Reuters state that the Covid-19 vaccine is NOT a plan for mass genocide? There is no possible scenario where it makes any goddamn sense for them to print that. Unless CNN is running a story about depopulating blacks and latinos…which they wouldn’t because it would make no goddamn sense to do so! To be honest, I’m actually hoping it IS designed to kill black people. I’m an essential worker, and now I can’t get vaccinated because I’m white and employed. Guess I need to cover myself in charcoal and start selling fentanyl on 8 and Woodward, then I can get that good innoculation. Kinda messed up when your local dope pushers are getting prioritized for vaccination.

How does any of this link together, particularly with regard to Moon Jae-In? Because China sucks.