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Covid-19 Vaccine Hoax

The mainstream media lately has been perpetuating a narrative regarding the covid-19 vaccine that just isn’t true. They are saying that experts are worried about getting everyone to take the shot. They suggest things such as requiring a vaccine passport for things such as travel or employment.

What is their problem? Obviously the next step is to promote forced vaccine. Because of non-compliance that hasn’t happened yet.

There is no reason whatsoever to suggest that there will be any issue with immunizing the public at large. First of all, there’s not even enough of it for everyone. And the general public has to wait until after their priority level is up to be distributed. And there’s not even enough yet to take care of Round 1 recipients.

Where are they getting the impression that people don’t want to get vaccinated? Obviously some people don’t want it, but by and large most Americans will rush to get it. Especially black people, contrary to what the media tells you. We use the entire supply of flu vaccine every year. Even when the supply is cut with/replaced with placebo to meet demand. This isn’t secret information, there’s total transparency regarding influenza vaccine.


I’m also really sick of hearing about the masks. If they’re so important, then why does a bandana qualify? And if N95 masks are so much more effective, then why does it matter for first line responders if the people coming in are wearing masks?

I’d like to think most people are capable of deducing on their own, or at the least using the internet or a library or the internet at a library to find out the actual efficacy of masks in reducing the transmission of disease. The fact is, they do a pretty good job of REDUCING transmission. Also, it doesn’t magically only stop the virus in one direction. In what world does that even make sense?

Get the shot, wear a mask. Or don’t. Everyone else can mind their own business.